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Very happy the Democrats took the house.  Among other things Medicaid and Social Security would probably be gutted with two more years of one party Republican control.  We're not out of the woods yet but the outcome was much better than what I expected.

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used against you

One of the greatest things I ever heard (don't know who said it) was the question of whether something was worth using was answered by if it had been used against you. You could think of a myriad of examples but the one that stands out is the Republicans.  They voted...

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I tend to regularly rail against western religion here but I will give it credit where it is due.  It has a failure management mechanism that isn't half bad.  Basically modern psychology tells people to double down on their pride after they fail.  But Judeo-Christian...

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Quoting The Uncomfortable Reason Why It Came To This In Dallas Yesterday: Now let's take a step back and look at the forces that would drive someone to do something like this yesterday. Here's the reality that we don't often talk about - that societies are held...

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the system is no longer just

Comment I posted on Reddit thread how millennials are checked out of work: People are just wising up. In America religion was a catalyst to getting employees to put their nose down and work hard and employers (at their best) would agree to treat their employees...

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Racism is Real

Racism is Real: Trump Helps Show It []: Tomás Jiménez, an associate professor of sociology and comparative studies in race and ethnicity at Stanford University, uses what he calls the “ghost metaphor” to describe the quandary of people who personally...

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Healthcare Reform

I always thought states refusing to expand Medicaid was racially motivated.  This NYTimes Piece gives me more evidence: Gains for blacks were muted because they disproportionately live in states that chose not to expand Medicaid. About 60 percent of poor blacks live...

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something wrong with you

A thing as common as dirt that those in power do is getting people to believe there is something wrong with them (instead of there being something wrong with the system) when things don't go the way they're supposed to.  In religion when people don't experience God at...

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