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Suggestions/Observations (from an ’07 post)

Jan 22, 2016 | Faith | 0 comments

Cat’s Eye

If there’s even a little bit of light then a cat can see decently well in the dark because its eyes reflect and amplify the light somehow but if there is no light, their night vision isn’t any better than ours.  In the same way, if there is just a little light at the end of the tunnel then there is reason to hope but if there is none, all hope is gone.

Comparative Advantage

People always talk about praying hard but rarely talk about praying smart.  It’s not much of a secret that the more righteous you are, the better your prayer works.  We’ve got to saddle the most righteous among us with more prayer requests–and while they’re praying, we should be helping them with tasks that can be done by folks of any level of righteousness like cooking, cleaning, and home maintenance.

Evangelicals are hurting themselves by–while droning on about power of prayer–creating a church environment that alienates the elderly, many of whom are prayer warriors.  If you believe prayer is powerful, you’d see that alienating the older generation is cutting off the lifeblood of the church.

Bank Panic

Faith is the tension in the rubber band you‘re pulling apart.  One finger pulling  it is unbelief and other is expectation.  When it snaps the two parts droop from each of your two fingers.  It’s like bank panic.  One of the things they were afraid of happening in Y2K was that people would lose faith in the monetary system.  Some would go back to barter to get their goods and services while others would rush to the bank and withdraw everything from their account.


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