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International Ideas Month, An Idea for You

March is International Ideas Month and I couldn’t help but toot my horn. I did the quote on the masthead in memory board.  Memory Board is mainly an alternative communication tool for people on the spectrum but can also be used for learning languages and...

Assisted Suicide

So in America mental suffering isn’t at parity with physical suffering like it is in Europe.


When Christians ask me, “how do you do it without God?”, I respond with, “I ask myself that same question”.  This outs what they really mean, “how do you do it without religion?”.  It’s just assumed that religion will somehow...

Always Back Up the Photos and Videos on Your Smartphone

If you take a lot of photos and video on your phone you need to consider the expense of iCloud or Google Drive (depending on whether you have an iPhone or an Android phone). iOS (iCloud) gives you 5GB of free space and Android (Google Drive) gives you 15GB (but will...